Gigarom 1
Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
Developer Stack 1.2r
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Text File
622 lines
-- background: 10332 from stack: in.2r
-- bmap block id: 10500
-- flags: 4000
-- background id: 0
-- name: Mini HyperStation
----- HyperTalk script -----
--Hyperstation‚Ñ¢ background script
--©1987 Steve Drazga
--system messages
on OsErr err
-- Translate the most common ones
if err > 0 then -- XFCN convention
put "Parameter error with function" into errstr
else if err is -59 then
put "Problem during rename" into errstr
else if err is -54 then
put "Attempt to open locked file for writing" into errstr
else if err is -46 then
put "Volume locked by software" into errstr
else if err is -45 then
put "File locked" into errstr
else if err is -44 then
put "Volume locked by hardware" into errstr
else if err is -43 then
put "File not found" into errstr
else if err is -37 then
put "Bad volume or file name" into errstr
else if err is -36 then
put "I/O error" into errstr
else if err is -35 then
put "No such volume" into errstr
else if err is -34 then
put "Disk is full" into errstr
else if err is -49 then
put "File already open for writing" into errstr
put "Failed with error" && err into errstr
end if
answer errstr with "OK"
end OsErr
--messages from application buttons
on NoApp
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: none
--XCMDs used: popUpMenu
--HANDLERS used: InsertApp,InsertStack,InsertDoc,InsertDA
--FUNCTIONS used: none
global LaunchButton
put id of target into LaunchButton
put the mouseloc into myPlace
put item 1 of myPlace - 20 into horiz
put item 2 of myPlace - 10 into vert
put PopUpMenu("Application;Stack;Document;Desk Accessory",1,vert,horiz) into MenuResult
set hilite of target to false
if MenuResult is 0 then exit NoApp
else if MenuResult is 1 then InsertApp
else if MenuResult is 2 then InsertStack
else if MenuResult is 3 then InsertDoc
else if MenuResult is 4 then InsertDA
end NoApp
on ChangeApp
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: none
--XCMDs used: KillResID,
--HANDLERS used: InsertApp,
--FUNCTIONS used: MenuItemSelected,RemoveTarget,RenameTarget,
-- DeleteTarget,MoveTarget,
global LaunchButton
put (id of target)+3 into LaunchButton --••This is the launcherButton
if (the short name of button id LaunchButton) is "Install..." then
put MenuItemSelected("ChangeApp") into PopUpSelected
if PopUpSelected=0 then exit ChangeApp
else if PopUpSelected =1 then InsertApp
else if PopUpSelected=2 then
put RemoveTarget(LaunchButton) into it
put first item of it into stackName
put second item of it into iconNum
killResID stackName,"ICON",iconNum
else if PopUpSelected=3 then put RenameTarget(LaunchButton) into it
else if PopUpSelected=4 then put DeleteTarget(LaunchButton) into it
else if PopUpSelected=4 then put MoveTarget(LaunchButton) into it
end if
end ChangeApp
on InsertApp
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: none
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: GetApplication,ConvertName,NewTarget,
global LaunchButton
set hilite of target to false
put GetApplication() into LongName
if LongName is empty then exit InsertApp
put ConvertName(LongName) into shortName
if shortname contains "HyperCard" then
play oops
answer "Use 'install stacks' for this"
exit insertApp
end if
put NewTarget(LaunchButton,LongName," ",shortName,"LaunchApp") into it
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-3) to true
end InsertApp
on launchApp
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: multiFinder,isRunning,subLaunch,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: osErr,
--FUNCTIONS used: none
set cursor to 4
global longname
set hilite of target to false
if multifinder() is true then
if isRunning(short name of the target) is true then
answer "This application is already running!"
put sublaunch (longname) into launchResult
if launchResult <0 then osErr launchResult
else if launchresult >0 then beep
end if
open longname
end if
end launchApp
on ChangeDoc
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: none
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: InsertDoc,
--FUNCTIONS used: MenuItemSelected,RemoveTarget,RenameTarget,
-- DeleteTarget,MoveTarget
global LaunchButton
put (id of target)+2 into LaunchButton --••This is the launcherButton
if (the short name of button id LaunchButton) is "Install..." then
put MenuItemSelected("ChangeDoc") into PopUpSelected
if PopUpSelected=0 then exit ChangeDoc
else if PopUpSelected=1 then put RemoveTarget(LaunchButton) into it
else if PopUpSelected=2 then put RenameTarget(LaunchButton) into it
else if PopUpSelected=3 then put DeleteTarget(LaunchButton) into it
else if PopUpSelected=4 then put MoveTarget(LaunchButton) into it
end if
end ChangeDoc
on InsertDoc
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: fileName,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: NewTarget
--FUNCTIONS used: GetApplication,ConvertName
global LaunchButton
set hilite of target to false
put GetApplication() into appName
if appName is empty then exit InsertDoc
put "Please select a document created by that application..."
put filename() into docName
hide message
if docName is empty then exit Insertdoc
put ConvertName(docName) into shortName
put NewTarget(LaunchButton,appName,docName,shortName,"LaunchDoc") into it
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-2) to true
end InsertDoc
on LaunchDoc
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: mulitFinder,isRunning,subLaunch,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: ConvertName,
set cursor to 4
global LongName
set hilite of target to false
put Convertname(longName) into appName
put second item of longName into appPath
put first item of longName into docPath
if multifinder() is true then
if isRunning(appName) is true then
answer "Please switch to the application to open this"
put sublaunch(appPath,docPath) into LaunchResult
if launchResult <0 then osErr launchResult
else if launchresult >0 then beep
end if
open docPath with appPath
end if
end LaunchDoc
on InsertDA
play boing
answer "Did you register for the full version?" with "Uh oh"
end InsertDA
on LaunchDA
play boing
put "Sorry I haven't finished the DA launching yet!"
end LaunchDA
on InsertStack
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: fileName,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: ConvertName,NewTarget,
global LaunchButton
set hilite of target to false
put "Please select a stack..."
put fileName("STAK") into stackName
hide message
if stackName is empty then exit InsertStack
put ConvertName(stackName) into shortName
put "" into LongName
put NewTarget(LaunchButton,LongName,stackName,shortName,"LaunchStack") into it
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-2) to true
end InsertStack
on LaunchStack
global longName
set hilite of target to false
push this card
go to longName
end LaunchStack
function GetApplication
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: fileName
put "Please select an application..."
put fileName("APPL") into selectedThis
hide message
return selectedThis
end GetApplication
function ConvertName LongName
set cursor to 4
put the length of LongName into nameLength
repeat with x = nameLength down to 1
if char x of LongName = ":" then exit repeat
end repeat
return char (x + 1) to nameLength of LongName
end ConvertName
function DeleteLastPart LongName
put the length of LongName into nameLength
repeat with x = nameLength down to 1
if char x of LongName = ":" then exit repeat
delete char x of LongName
end repeat
return LongName
end DeleteLastPart
function StackPath
put long name of this stack into stackName
delete first word of stackName
delete first char of stackName
delete last char of stackName
return stackName
end StackPath
function MenuItemSelected ButtonType
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: popUpMenu
global MyPlace
put item 1 of myPlace - 20 into horiz
put item 2 of myPlace - 10 into vert
if ButtonType is "ChangeApp" then
get PopUpMenu("Change;Remove;Rename;Delete;Move",1,vert,horiz)
get PopUpMenu("Remove;Rename;Delete;Move",1,vert,horiz)
end if
set hilite of target to false
return it
end MenuItemSelected
function RemoveTarget LaunchButton
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
set cursor to 4
global InstallScript
put icon of button id LaunchButton into iconNum
put stackPath() into stackName
put rect of button id LaunchButton into OrigRect
subtract 25 from fourth item of OrigRect
set lockscreen to true
set name of button id LaunchButton to "Install..."
set icon of button id LaunchButton to 0
set rect of button id LaunchButton to OrigRect
set style of button id LaunchButton to shadow
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-1) to false
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-2) to false
set visible of button id (LaunchButton-3) to false
set lockscreen to false
set the script of button id LaunchButton to InstallScript
put stackName&","&iconNum into it
return it
end RemoveTarget
function NewTarget LaunchButton,LongName,docName,shortName,LaunchType
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: GetAppIcon,GetDocIcon,
--XCMDs used: KillResID,
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: none
set cursor to 4
global LaunchScript
put LaunchScript into it
delete word 2 of line 4 of it
if LaunchType is "LaunchApp" then put ""&"e&LongName"e after word 1 of line 4 of it
else if LaunchType is "LaunchStack" then put ""&"e&docName"e after word 1 of line 4 of it
else if LaunchType is "LaunchDoc" then put ""&"e&docName&","&LongName"e after word 1 of line 4 of it
--handle DA name here
delete fifth line of it
put return&LaunchType after fourth line of it
set the script of button id LaunchButton to it
put stackpath() into stackName
if icon of button id LaunchButton is not 0 then
put icon of button id LaunchButton into IconToDelete
killResID stackName,"ICON",IconToDelete
end if
if LaunchType is "LaunchApp" then put GetAppIcon(LongName,shortName,stackName) into IconToAdd
else if LaunchType is "LaunchDoc" then put GetDocIcon (LongName,docName,stackName) into IconToAdd
else if LaunchType is "LaunchStack" then put 1000 into IconToAdd
else if LaunchType is "LaunchDA" then put --da icon in button
put rect of button id LaunchButton into OrigRect
if ((fourth item of OrigRect)-(second item of OrigRect))<25 then add 25 to fourth item of OrigRect
set lockscreen to true
set rect of button id LaunchButton to OrigRect
set icon of button id LaunchButton to IconToAdd
set the name of button id LaunchButton to shortName
set style of button id LaunchButton to transparent
end NewTarget
function RenameTarget LaunchButton
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: RenameFile,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: osErr
--FUNCTIONS used: deleteLastPart,
put script of button id LaunchButton into ScriptHolder
put second word of fourth line of ScriptHolder into OrigName
if second item of OrigName is not empty then
put first item of OrigName into OldName
put second item of OrigName into AppName
put OrigName into OldName
delete last char of OldName
end if
delete first char of OldName
ask "What do you want to name this?" with (short name of button id LaunchButton)
if it is empty or it is (short name of button id LaunchButton) then
exit RenameTarget
put the length of it into nameLength
if nameLength >30 then
answer "Name is too long (more than 30 characters)"
exit RenameTarget
end if
put it into NewName
put RenameFile (OldName,NewName) into RenameResult
if RenameResult = 0 then
put deleteLastPart(OldName)&NewName into ReplacementName
delete second word of fourth line of ScriptHolder
if second item of OrigName is not empty then
put space"e&ReplacementName&","&AppName after first word of fourth Line of ScriptHolder
put space"e&ReplacementName"e after first word of fourth Line of ScriptHolder
end if
set script of button id LaunchButton to ScriptHolder
set the name of button id LaunchButton to NewName
if RenameResult<0 then osErr(RenameResult)
else answer "Failed to Rename File"
end if
end if
end RenameTarget
function DeleteTarget LaunchButton
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: DeleteFile,
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: osErr,
--FUNCTIONS used: RemoveTarget,
put second word of fourth line of script of button id LaunchButton into OrigName
if second item of OrigName is not empty then
put First item of OrigName into OrigName
delete last char of OrigName
end if
delete first char of OrigName
put the short name of button id LaunchButton
answer "Are you sure you want to delete the file named below?" with "Cancel" or "Ok"
hide message
if it is "Cancel" then exit DeleteTarget
put DeleteFile (OrigName) into DeleteResult
if DeleteResult is 0 then
put RemoveTarget(LaunchButton) into it
if DeleteResult<0 then osErr(DeleteResult)
else answer "Problem deleting file"
end if
end DeleteTarget
function MoveTarget LaunchButton
set cursor to 4
play boing
answer "If you had registered for the program..."
end MoveTarget
function moveButton newLocation,OrigLoc,OrigRect
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: none
--XCMDs used: none
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: none
set userlevel to 5
put first item of newLocation into h
put second item of newLocation into v
if h>=2 and h<=128 then put 1 into column
else if h>=129 and h<=255 then put 6 into column
else if h>=256 and h<=382 then put 11 into column
else if h>=383 and h<=509 then put 16 into column
else put 0 into column
if v>=7 and v<=58 then put 1 into row
else if v>=59 and v<=110 then put 2 into row
else if v>=111 and v<=162 then put 3 into row
else if v>=163 and v<=214 then put 4 into row
else if v>=215 and v<=266 then put 5 into row
else put 0 into row
if row≠0 and column≠0 then
set cursor to 4
put ((column-1)+row)*4 into ButtonToReplace
--save all info about moved button
put icon of target into OrigIcon
put short name of target into OrigName
put style of target into OrigStyle
put script of target into OrigScript
put id of target into OrigID
if visible of button id (OrigID-1) is true then
put -1 into OrigType
set visible of button id (OrigID-1) to false
else if visible of button id (OrigID-2) is true then
put -2 into OrigType
set visible of button id (OrigID-2) to false
else if visible of button id (OrigID-3) is true then
put -3 into OrigType
set visible of button id (OrigID-3) to false
end if
--convert moved button into other button
set lockscreen to true
set loc of target to OrigLoc
set icon of target to icon of button id ButtonToReplace
set name of target to short name of button id ButtonToReplace
set style of target to style of button id ButtonToReplace
set script of target to script of button id ButtonToReplace
if short name of button id ButtonToReplace is "Install..." then
subtract 25 from fourth item of OrigRect
end if
set rect of target to OrigRect
set lockscreen to false
if visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-1) is true then
set visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-1) to false
set visible of button id (OrigID-1) to true
else if visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-2) is true then
set visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-2) to false
set visible of button id (OrigID-2) to true
else if visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-3) is true then
set visible of button id (ButtonToReplace-3) to false
set visible of button id (OrigID-3) to true
end if
--convert other button into moved button
set lockscreen to true
set icon of button id ButtonToReplace to OrigIcon
set style of button id ButtonToReplace to OrigStyle
put rect of button id ButtonToReplace into it
if short name of button id ButtonToReplace is "Install..." then
add 25 to fourth item of it
set rect of button id ButtonToReplace to it
end if
set name of button id ButtonToReplace to OrigName
set lockscreen to false
set script of button id ButtonToReplace to OrigScript
set visible of button id (ButtonToReplace+OrigType) to true
return "Ok"
return "no good"
end if
end moveButton
-- part 115 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 2000
-- rect: left=3 top=310 right=342 bottom=46
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 2162 / 2162
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: New Button
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
visual dissolve to gray
visual dissolve to inverse
visual dissolve
go back
end mouseUp
-- part 122 (field)
-- low flags: 81
-- high flags: 0000
-- rect: left=158 top=313 right=332 bottom=199
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Relative Card Number
-- part 124 (button)
-- low flags: 80
-- high flags: A002
-- rect: left=159 top=317 right=334 bottom=210
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Master